
Do you want to start a career in a great company? XANTIA S.A.S. invites you to join our team!

Advantages of working with us

  • Growth

    80% of XANTIA S.A.S. executives started their careers as operators

  • Development

    Advanced internal and external training

  • Decent income

    Transparent income system: the more efficient an employee is, the more he/she earns

  • Bonus System

    Regular incentives for active and productive employees

  • Loyalty

    Respectful attitude towards employees from the management

  • Comfortable office

    Comfortable work places, gaming areas with game consoles and tennis, kitchen area with free snacks

  • Young employees

    Average age of XANTIA S.A.S. employee - 27 years

  • Team Building

    Evening leisure, sports activities, bright corporate parties

Join Us!